Sen. Blackburn Bashes Beijing at CPAC!, 3525

3 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
But first, this announcement. I’ve been taking a little break from YouTube for one week. I should be back up on Tuesday. March 2. Why? Because I put up a video on Dr. Scott Atlas being interviewed by Laura Ingraham on the fact that it’s long-overdue time to re-open the public schools in the United States.
So, I’ll be posting on my own secure server, as well as Twitter, Facebook, Bitchute, Mewe, and Rumble for the next few days. I try to post on Parler, but for some reason it looks
Now, that’s enough for announcements.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn spoke yesterday at CPAC – the largest conservative conference.
Blackburn, apparently completely unafraid of censorship, blasted the connection between Big Tech and the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.
“China is trying to cancel the United States of America. China and big tech … have a cozy relationship.”
Blackburn's remarks mirrored those of former Secretary of State and former director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, who recently commented that:
“The chicoms are inside the fences.”
To anyone who has lived behind the fences an American military facility, that's about the scariest thing you can hear a leader say: that the enemy is within your compound, especially if it is trying to hide that fact.
And I don't need to talk to this audience about the Hunter Biden/Chicom connection, but the problem has been ongoing for decades now. It was a major topic of my second documentary video, entitled, “Impeach Clinton: is it justified?”
But back then, no one was paying attention to the evils of the communist dictatorship in China. And China used the new-found wealth that their early trade relationship with the United States had blessed them with, funding an elaborate long-ranged spying program which promoted politicians at all levels of governancel.
Today, more and more people are paying attention, and therefore more and more blatant forms of totally un-American censorship is taking place via the big tech media complex.
“Conform or they will cancel you. Sounds a lot like communist China, doesn't it?” asked senator Blackburn yesterday at CPAC.
“Big tech is aiding and abetting that Chinese Communist party in their push for global dominance, and we are going to have to stand against it,” trumpted Blackburn.
The Trump administration determined that the Chinese regime is committing “genocide” against the Uyghur Muslims in the remote regions of north-western China. Equally horrible is that the CCP condones, if not encourages, organ harvesting on live patients without anesthesia – in other words, murdering someone to sell their “live” organs.
If you are an enemy of the CCP, one way or the other, you are unlikely to live out a happy, peaceful life, and again, these people are now behind the fences of the American institutions that are supposed to guard our freedoms.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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