Depressed Mood?

4 years ago

It is so easy to lose our way in times such as these and find ourselves with a very parched soul. But God always makes a way of escape. Ever found yourself in a season where your soul is so parched, so dry that hopelessness sits as an illegal resident in your emotions? I have been there and felt that, oh yes I have, times when I could not even will myself out of bed. There is always an Oasis ahead, but how do we get there through the depression of our moods which seem to jam us up with a sulky spirit and squelch our soul passion for life and all of its God adventure? It is worth it to fight your way out of a depressed state of mind. I know, I have been there and decided to get up out of my pity pit and climb out of the trap set for me by the enemy of my soul. I also have felt the refreshment of a parched soul by Awe GOD, our miraculous God Who can provide an Oasis of living water, and revive our thirsting soul. #DigDeeper

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