❤️❤️❤️ 14 Days of Agape Video Based Bible Study ❤️❤️❤️

3 years ago

Do you struggle to understand the love and grace of God? Does the concept of "church family" and the body of Christ being an extension of our family befuddle you at times?

⚫️The church arguments
⚫️The gossip
⚫️The hypocrisy

It's almost as if the church family is as dysfunctional as any other family.

And it is.

Because the church family is made up of imperfect people who are called to reflect the perfect image of Christ!

To register for 14 Days of Agape, go here 👉🏻 https://rosilindjukic.com/14-days-agape-bible-study/

When we begin to comprehend the depth of God's love and grace toward us as fallen people, we will view the family of God through a clearer lens. Suddenly we no longer measure others by our intentions but we measure ourselves by God's perfection. Realizing our own propensity to failure, we stop pointing the finger and start extending a hand of grace!

Hi, my name is Rosilind.

3 years ago I did an in-depth study 0f 1 Corinthians 13, but not from the perspective of romantic or familial love. This time I examined the chapter within the context of our relationship with the body of Christ.

And it transformed my entire life!

Suddenly, the concept of agape love and my role in the body of Christ became clear. But not only that.

14 Days of Agape is an online, video-based Bible study and workbook that will not only challenge you to look at the Love Chapter from a whole new perspective, it gives you questions that will probe your heart to it's very depths.

There are questions and homework for each chapter, making this workbook easily adaptable to either a personal or group setting.

To register for 14 Days of Agape, go here 👉🏻 https://rosilindjukic.com/14-days-agape-bible-study/

With topics that address
🔵The tongue
🔵Our motives
🔵5 things that destroy churches
🔵Spiritual maturity
🔵Our first love

14 Days of Agape doesn't play soft-ball, but takes the truth of scripture to reveal how the actions we use to mask our motives are really only irritants to the body.

With the 14 Days of Agape Bible Study you receive:
✔️Lifetime access to this study
✔️A free PDF copy of 14 Days of Agape Bible study workbook
✔️Access to the 14 video based lessons


To register for 14 Days of Agape, go here 👉🏻 https://rosilindjukic.com/14-days-agape-bible-study/

What others are saying

➡️ If you want to get out of your self-centered life of taking more than giving, then "14 Days of Agape" is the book for you! This book teaches you how to love others the way God intended. It shows how the church is to truly be the Body of Christ. I now see 1 Corinthians 13 in a new light. - Lynnet

➡️ The author really digs in and challenges you to sincerely pursue Agape love. She takes what most people think Agape love is and peels away the surface to show what true Agape love is. - Heaven Bound

➡️ 14 Days of Agape gave me a deeper understanding of 1 Corinthians 13! Over and over I was convicted and challenged by the truths Rosilind shared. - Laurie

To register for 14 Days of Agape, go here 👉🏻 https://rosilindjukic.com/14-days-agape-bible-study/

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