20210226 The Ungodly Forgiven - The Daily Summation

3 years ago

By now, who HASN'T seen the "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" bumper sticker in some form?

It sounds corny, but it's no less true for being so.

That doesn't mean you should glom onto some Christian leader or other, and follow them around like a puppy dog.

I have to admit, I was a great fan of Ravi Zacharias' messages. That said, I don't expect him to be (or have been) any more perfect than any other human being.

I'm not trying to make you think he, like ANY OTHER HUMAN, shouldn't suffer a loss of reputation (or if called for, whatever punishment is considered to be befitting whatever crime he may have committed.

Just remember, it was Jesus who said (essentially), "Let the one among you without sin, cast the first stone." That was not some accidental uttering on His part (none were, as far as I'm able to tell).

In this edition of The Daily Summation from Kurt's Religion and Politics, I talk about the idea that--as I've said before--perfection is something at which to AIM, but not something to ATTAIN.

When the companion article is completed on the Kurt's Religion and Politics blog, I'll post a link to it here.

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Thanks again for visiting my channel and watching this video. Hope your day is a good one.

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