It's a Small World After All at David Crockett State Park (Nov 2020)

3 years ago

It's a small world after all!
Located in Lawrenceburg, TN, David Crockett State Park offers lots of outdoors activities for the visitor. We visited in November 2020 and the weather couldn't have been better! Shoal Creek soothingly flowed right alongside our campsite (#22). When we arrived several campsites were occupied, however the next morning all of the campers began pulling up stakes and moving on. Around 4pm a couple of new neighbors from Mississippi arrived AND it just so happened that this particular couple had connections with someone from Hank's earlier days! During the few days we stayed here, we went on more than one hike, rode our bicycles, spent an afternoon in Lawrenceburg, cooked chili over the fire (It was yummy!), visited the bird aviaries, and enjoyed the view and sounds of Shoal Creek. Hank even cleared a blocked hiking trail!

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