Heavenly bodies Feb 2021 (planets, moons, asteroids, debris) Video 1

4 years ago

Cloud Formations outside of Earth
Optical Illusions
Definitive solid masses
Large Debris clouds
Mini Eclipses
Signs and Wonders of Revelation
End of Days

The Ruach
The Son of Man
The Christ
John 3:16
Clouds aren't always just clouds. Look to the sky and see. There are wonders right above us and most seem not to know or care.

These Planetary Bodies are REALLY Close.

Photos taken by myself using a Samsung Galaxy

Read the Word, Repentance, Seek the face of The Most High.

3rd I Cam Youtube channel does awesome work showcasing the sky and pointing out these objects that seem to be orbiting right around us.

Faith in The Word. Truth. Love. Kindness.

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