Hinamatsuri in Japanese histric hotel|古い町並 飛騨古川の八ツ三館でたくさんの雛飾りとひな祭りランチ【2K】

4 years ago

Hinamatsuri is a girl's special day in Japan.

At this time of year, many Hina dolls are displayed here and there in Yatsusankan, creating a gorgeous atmosphere. Hina dolls come from various eras, from old to new, and each is unique. I had a Hinamatsuri lunch at Yatsusankan to see the Hinamatsuri.

Yatsusankan is an inn with a history of about 160 years, located in Hida Furukawa (about 30 minutes by car from Hida Takayama) where the old townscape remains.

Part of the building is a wooden building that is a nationally registered tangible cultural property. It is a valuable experience just to walk in this traditional Japanese inn.

八ツ三館では毎年この時期になると、 館内のあちこちにたくさんのひな人形が飾られます。

八ツ三館は古い町並みの残る飛騨古川にある旅館で、約160年の歴史のあるそうです。ちなみに飛騨古川は 飛騨高山から車で30分ほど

建物の一部は国登録有形文化財の木造建築。 館内を歩くだけでも価値ある体験です。

Nikon Z6

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