ASIA PACIFIC TODAY. Biden's Covid Relief Package with Blake Christian

3 years ago

In the US, as in Australia, there is little focus on debt and runaway spending. To support businesses hit hard by the lockdowns, hundreds of billions in loans have been made available through the Paycheck Protection Program.

The Biden Administration is seeking to pass it’s $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Package containing further measures for small business, however Covid relief makes up a mere 9% of the entire package. Expensive pet projects and generous handouts to Democratic supporters and states are included.

We're joined by Blake Christian, a Partner at Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt who discusses Joe Biden's Relief Package and the Paycheck Protection Program.

Blake, a national Top 25 OZ influencer, is a tax partner at HCVT in Long Beach, California, and Park City, Utah. Blake has over 35 years of experience providing tax consulting and compliance services to clients that include multinational, publicly traded corporations, as well as closely held owner-managed businesses. He is a specialist in federal, state and local tax incentive programs, and is leading the firm’s efforts in providing tax consulting services for Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs).

Blake's industry experience is broad and includes manufacturing and distribution, service companies, restaurant, shipping and transportation, energy and health care.

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