How Social Media Brainwashes You.

3 years ago

In this example I am going to use the movie Zoolander, as a way to describe to you how most social media platforms operate, and how they brainwash you.

Get ready for a bumpy ride. This will open your mind.

In the scene shown, you are the character Derrick Zoolander, Mugatu is most Social Media Platforms, and Katinka, AKA the woman who zaps Derrick, is the Greedy Politicians.

Notice how when Derrick begins to see that something is out of place, it is then that Katinka zaps him, in order to essentially force him into a continuation of the brainwashing at hand.

Mugatu then proceeds to further poison Derricks mind, until Derrick is literally unable to separate Reality from Fiction.

Sound familiar?

-On a side note, please remember to be very careful when comparing Real life to the Movies.

Also this scene is again used as a way to help you better understand the topic at hand.

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