Gorka: Trump is Back in the “Political Arena”; Graham begged Trump to stop criticizing McConnell

3 years ago

President Trump’s former political advisor Sebastian Gorka said that the impeachment allowed Trump to move “back into the political arena” sooner. And that “None of the rising stars in the conservative movement” can generate the same interest as Trump.

Sen. Lindsey Graham told the mainstream media that he traveled to Florida last weekend and begged President Donald Trump to end his feud with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, which began when McConnell repeatedly accused President Trump of inciting rebellion. Why is he doing that?

In a somewhat surprising move, President Trump has submitted a statement of appeal to an oversight board funded by Facebook in a bid to rejoin the platform. We explain the reason behind his decision.

You may have realized that we did not upload on Front Page last week and that’s because I almost left the show! But I could not bear to leave you Freedom Loving People, your continued support and encouragement have moved me and I am here to stay. During the break I also came to a better understanding of the current situation, please watch my February 22nd video as I share my comeback story and new discoveries with you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pirdVxbpF0A&list=PL4HtakqtWMdycdh8CAC80ztlgv19rejwS

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Gorka: Trump is Back in the “Political Arena”; Graham begged Trump to stop criticizing McConnell
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