5 Steps for Churches to Help Provide Emergency Aid to Those in Need

4 years ago

Emergency situations happen quite often, leaving many struggling. Whether caused by weather, medical situations, or something else, when extreme hardship hits, people need help. Churches can and should step up and provide what help they can to those in need, something we see occurring in Acts 4:32-35.

In February 2021, Texas was hit with a major arctic blast that left many in the cold for days without power or heat. Hotels were full or without power, shelters were not always available or well known about, and so many simply remained in sub-freezing temperatures.

As Christians and churches, we must find ways to provide emergency aid and emergency assistance to those who are struggling. No church can do everything or care for everyone, and some churches may only be able to do a little, but even a little can sometimes be enough. Combined, though, churches can do quite a lot.

I outline five steps churches should take to start finding ways to help those who struggle in times of emergency:

1. Determine the help you will provide
2. Develop a strategy to provide emergency shelter and resources
3. Evaluate legal issues and insurance requirements
4. Begin preparations to provide the help
5. Get your membership involved

0:00 Intro
2:08 Acts 4 & the Early Church
4:08 Step 1 Determine the Help
5:16 Step 2 Develop Strategy
6:28 Step 3 Legal Issues & Insurance
7:15 Step 4 Make Preparations
8:09 Step 5 Involve Membership
9:22 Bringing It Home
11:01 Outro

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