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God Wasn't Listening

3 years ago

Did you think He wasn't listening? Think again

Why aren’t you listening to me God?
I asked him time and again
Why don’t you answer this prayer of mine
And heal my sickly friend?
Why don’t you meet the needs of the poor
Why don’t you just provide?
Why don’t you stop the hate we see
I begged and screamed and cried
You can give me what I want
You can make it so
You can take my stress away
And help my career to grow
Why don’t you give me what I ask
Why don’t you move your hand?
Why don’t you just fix it all
I just don’t understand
You have the power, You have the might
I know this much is true
Why don’t you do the things I ask
My frustration grew and grew
I prayed, I asked, but I didn’t hear a thing
Until I got into his word and felt that guilty sting
God asked me the same question
Which I just proposed to Him
Why don’t I do the things He asks
Why continue in my sin?
He then proposed another thought
He had answered me before
He told me that I could look beyond myself
And focus on the poor.
He told me that sure there’s hate out there
But I told you to go and love
If we expect to conquer hate
Then we share our Lord above
He told me my ways are not His ways
He knows how it all will end
I can’t always see the big picture
And the plans He has for my friend
As for me and my comfort
He said He always meets my needs
This world is simply temporary
But he plants eternal seeds
So once again he posed the question
Why don’t you listen to me?
If you did, these things could change
Open your eyes and you will see.
The problem wasn’t with my God
He was answering all along
It was me that wasn’t listening
It was me that was wrong.
I dropped down to my knees
I begged Him to forgive
He pardoned me of my sins
And showed me how to live
Now my father is at work
And I listen to His word
And now that things are changing
I reflect on what occurred.

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