Give A Good Example of Obedience

3 years ago


Hello brothers and sisters and YouTube Family. Hope you guys are being blessed

Welcome all the new subscribers it was the Holy Spirit leading you hear to his channel so you may know the heart of Jesus and walk in deeper intimacy with him. A few of you continue to ask me who is “Mother Clare” she is my spiritual mother and covering.I have explained all of that in the introduction video I did for the channel. I would love for you all to watch it because this channel has had a few face changes or surgeries lol since I started. The Lord has definitely done a work in me and it’s his channel now. I am apart of a Franciscan prayer community in the mountains of New Mexico.I live a “religious life” which is a life consecrated to the Lord. So a lot of my experiences, failures and corrections from Jesus come from the aspect of communal living and get rid of my self will. However, this applies to every believer and in every state of life that you are in. Which is getting rid of our opinions, preferences, desires basically what we want in anything has to be out of the widow so Jesus can have his way in us.

The Lord really honors obedience not only to himself, but to the spiritual covering he provides for us which has not been a popular teaching in the Church because many times it’s abused. However, obedience to the spiritual leaders over us is obedience to the Lord. On this day Mother Clare had just gathered the community together to lay down some guidelines that would help us all go deeper with the Lord and keep worldliness out of the community. She also affirmed my role here in the community as me and sister Elizabeth helped come up with some of the guidelines the Lord put on our hearts. We all are called to practice sacred silence from the hours of 9pm-12 noon the next morning. Where by we don’t talk each other unless it’s out of necessity. This practice is to really help us meditate on the Lord and to hear his voice more clearly. The Lord loves silent souls because in the silence the Lord speaks. Secondly, we have internet here and can be a temptation for some members to get online at night and open themselves up to temptations. So we have house Mothers and Fathers who take up the phones in the evening during sacred silence and give it back in the morning. I was excited concerting these guidelines because I knew the community needed some spiritual direction for a long time now.

However, the day after the meeting one of my brothers needed to talk with me and we had only one minute before sacred silence began but I talked to him anyway outside. When we got done it was an hour later and one of the younger members in the community saw as us talking as well. Secondly, the Lord had told me to do a teaching on “the Bride of Christ” but I had two full busy days and after speaking with my brother I was pooped. I didn’t feel I was in the right frame of mind to put a message together so I worked on something else. Before going to sleep I pulled a rhema to see what was on the Lords heart and got “ Give a generous example of blind obedience so you don’t scandalize those I have called you to be an example of”. I thought to myself uh oh Lord. Immeaditly I felt a conviction in my heart about the guidelines Mother Clare had told us to enforce which I didn’t adhere too and also the instructions the Lord had given me which I hadn’t done yet. I was too tired to even think so I went to sleep. However, the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night after having a dream an he began to speak to me about the importance of my obedience especially as a leader in the community.

Lord I’m sorry for disobedience, self-will and pride. I didn’t even realize it thank you for showing me thee error of my ways

Jesus began,
“My beloved bride surgery begans with you first. It’s the same thing that I am working out in everyone in the community the very subtle ways of self will and pride. Which leads to disobedience and lack of honor and respect for me ultimately and for each other. It may seem to others that I am hard on you, buts its my jealous affection and strict love that has watched over you and will continue too to ensure that you stay in my will and in my hands beloved. To whom much is given much is required. I’ve said it and will say it again my little one you are called to lead by example. You have no idea how others look up to you and watch your response and reaction to things to see how they may respond or react in similar situations. I want you to live a life of example not teaching or talking like so many do who lack personal holiness in their lives.
It’s the small things that trip up so many. It’s the small foxes that truly spoil the vine of our love and its the small foxes I am trying to get rid of. If not taken care of will lead to lukewarmness and coldness on your part. You see I don’t want your actions motived solely by being an example which can lead you into self-righteousness and pride looking at men rather than looking to me beloved. I want your motivation to be out of love for me, every action to please me. When you live from that place everything you do will be a beautiful fragrant step of obedience and good example to all those around you without you striving. I want you to give a generous example of blind obedience so you don’t scandalize those I have called you be an example of and remember obedience is your protection.”
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