Come Dine With Me

3 years ago


Hello brothers and YouTube family hope you guys are being blessed.

This morning I woke up at the house in Taos because I had my dr’s appointment @ 6am so we decided to spend a night in town rather than leaving the mountain that early. Afterwards we had to do laundry and shopping for the community. Holy Spirit was so wonderful because before going to sleep I was unsure I would wake up with my alarm so I asked Holy Spirit to wake me up just in case and he did! My alarm was to go off at 6 am, but he woke up me at 5:50 instead. Then he gave me a Rhema “Take a walk with me” I knew he wanted me to go to Blessed Mothers praying tree, to pray so I did. Since I am on the mountain most of the time I hardly every get to visit her tree in town anymore which is the first one she had me concecrated. I knew she missed me there and I had missed her too. However, because of the time I was unable to do the full Lords supper so I received the Lord instead. For those listening that means I consecrated a host ahead of time (which for you can be the cracker or piece of bread you use for a communion service) so I simply received him rather than doing a full Communion service. Then went on about my day.

However, when I arrived back on the mountain that evening I had found that I had been irritable, impatient and grumbling in my heart all day. Just to add the mountain ride up and down was rough so I was pooped physically as well. I knew my heart had not been right so I confessed my sin to my roomy sister Elizabeth and decided to get a Rhema from the Lord before I went too sleep. He gave me a quote from Mother Teresa about the importance of doing communion and how Jesus visits us. Usually guys, when I get that Rhema the Lord is asking me to do the Lords supper right then. However, I thought to myself I am so tired I can just do it in the morning.Right when I rested my head on my bed Jesus began speaking to me about doing the Lords supper.

So I got up and came before him saying,
Lord I come before you Jesus as I felt you were talking to me about communion. Jesus please forgive me for my failings today. I found myself irritable, casting judgment in my heart and mind, impatient and not walking in full charity in my heart. Complaining and grumbling and I want to ask you to please forgive me.

Jesus responded,
“I have forgiven you my beloved now come and dine with me”

I said, Jesus You want me to do communion, the Lords supper. Right now?

Jesus continued,
“Yes beloved, but communion is more than just a religious thing you do or a chore as it has been seeming to you. It’s an opportunity to have dinner with the lover of your soul. It’s an opportunity for me to dine with my beloved bride. exchanging conversations, and hearing about your day to encourage you and fill you with myself. It is the time that we become one, consummating our spiritual marriage beloved. So it’s something that I love to do with you and means more to me than you know. Thats what I want to talk to my beloved brides about. Many are struggling with various temptations and are going through some difficult times. When you take communion I take over where your flesh ends. You will find it difficult to walk with me in righteousness and holiness to my will if you are not receiving me daily my beloved ones. I am present there, to the extend of the measure of your faith. The more alive I am in a host is based on how alive I am in the heart of the one receiving me. Do you understand my dear ones when I said “ that my flesh is food and my blood real drink” John 6:55. Many of you are starving and emaciated spiritually because you are not eating of me and did I not say “ unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink of his blood you have no life in you , (he is quoting John 6:53)? That life I speak of is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. It is from communion with me that you have life and are able to withstand the temptations that come against you and it gives your spirit strength to rise above your flesh. My beloved little ones the enemy of your soul has made communion time with me feel like something you have to do rather than seeing it as something you get to do. It is the greatest gift I left to my church for I said “I never will leave you nor forsake you”. So I continue to humble myself in the form of the bread you provide just to meet with you. I am there and so is all of heaven. There I wait to speak with you, council you, hear your thoughts, struggles, and failures that day as you confess them before me and I smile at you with such delight and pleasure. As a spouse would his wife who just came from work and told him about her day. You see it is not at all a chore for me, but it is the high point of my day after we share our hearts with one another then we consumate this union in the most purest way. As you completely consume my blood and body I just don’t enter you, but those failures are washed away and aspects of your carnal nature are actually erased as you are transfused with my divine blood, nature and immense graces that you need for that day. The more you dine with me my beloved ones in this way the more and more you not only become like me, but the more I live fully in you. Completely inhabiting your heart, your mind, your body, soul and spirit.
To my Heartdwellers who are priest many of you have been tempted to receive me and go on about your day. I don’t mind it at all if it’s the sacrament of the moment .

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

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