[MEQ #62: 3 July 2020] GHISLAINE MAXWELL ARRESTED 💥 It all comes tumbling down! Majestic 12

4 years ago

Channel video #62 [Originally published on YouTube 3 July 2020]

0:00 Introduction and the news of Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest
1:09 Ghislaine Maxwell's sealed indictment
2:15 New _ posts about Ghislaine Maxwell
14:03 Majestic 12 tweets about Ghislaine Maxwell ('GM')
17:17 A few old _ posts about Ghislaine Maxwell (not much detail)
17:46 Looking at a few news articles about Ghislaine Maxwell
19:22 CCC (casual channel chatter) outtro

Links referenced in this video:
👉🏻Ghislaine Maxwell's sealed indictment no Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/467746700/Ghislaine-Maxwell-Indictment
👉🏻The Last Of The Mohicans End Scene(HD) video: https://youtu.be/q8ZisDHg6v0
👉🏻Twitter search for 'GM' on Majestic 12's account: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ats_sci_majic12%20gm&src=typed_query
👉🏻Twitter search for 'Maxwell' on Majestic 12's account: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ats_sci_majic12%20ghislaine&src=typed_query&f=live
👉🏻Techno Fog on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog
👉🏻The previous video from my channel I mentioned analysing the old _ posts about Ghislaine Maxwell: https://youtu.be/GSYvTtCEQ9s

Quick video produced rapidly between work days for me. Not enough time to do 'deep digs' on this, and so I was more casual here. Dunno if it's what people want but sometimes it's necessary to cover the news with limited preparation.

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