[MEQ #61: 1 July 2020] May-June new MJ12 posts | Happy Birthday, MEQ! 🎂 MEQ turns 1 🥳

3 years ago

Channel video #61 [Originally published on YouTube 1 July 2020]

0:00 Introduction
0:25 MAP 1: Generals optics, [44], Flynn
31:24 MAP 2: First Contact, FISA, puppeteering, treason, tick tock, sealed indictments
43:49 MAP 3: Meme Majic (mostly looking at cool memes from the boards)
47:22 New Majestic 12 tweets
48:57 New _ posts
51:51 Mass arrests thread on Thread Reader
1:03:44 CCC (Casual Channel Chatter) - watching Life is Strange opening scene

Links referenced in this video:
👉🏻Revolt of the Generals: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/06/04/revolt-generals/
👉🏻Former Joint Chiefs Chairman Condemns Trump's Threat To Use Military At Protests: https://www.npr.org/2020/06/04/870004024/former-joint-chiefs-chairman-condemns-trumps-threat-to-use-military-at-protests
👉🏻Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: If We Don't Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98%: https://www.westernjournal.com/exclusive-gen-flynn-dont-act-2-people-control-98/
👉🏻@bush320 Thread Reader thread: https://threader.app/thread/1261673159687897089
👉🏻Life is Strange video: https://youtu.be/2sHZcyx7iF8

First video after a while. A few minor production issues in the video itself, but apart from those I think it was alright. Feel free to say anything you want in the comments section!

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