Jumps in a cold morning in the city - Freerun - Parkour - Tricking

3 years ago

Jumps in a cold morning in the city - Freerun - Parkour – Tricking.

The young man in the video aimed to show that no matter what the weather is like (in this case it was quite nippy and windy, which is a typical weather in Dublin, Ireland during the winter months), you need to be able to adapt and find a way to keep practicing, if you want to get better and more skillful at what your passion is. That is not about sports only, it can be about anything, such as business, studying, training, achieving goals and etc. “Hard work beats talent.”, says the young athlete with a smile, while warming up for a short but pleasant enough outdoor training in the centre of the capital of the Emerald Isle - Dublin.
The athlete in the video normally trains with friends as the Freerun/Parkour/Tricking community is fairly big. Though during the cold months quite often this young man trains either by himself or just with 1 more person (maximum 2, depending on the level of motivation the other guys have). That in itself is a bit challenging as training alone is more difficult due to being less hyped and excited to do these jumps that require lots of enthusiasm and energy. “As long as there is progress, I will keep practicing. I don’t think I will quite anytime soon. Well… hopefully that would be the case!”, says the young athlete when he was asked what kept him motivated to keep practicing Freerun/Parkour/Tricking for so many years (for over a decade now). Passion, self-motivation and constant progress seem to be the key things in order to keep you going, grinding, figuring it out, trying to get better than your previous version of yourself.

Hope you enjoy the video and the caption. Sláinte.

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