The Biggest Security Threat

3 years ago

Hey Everybody! In Today's video, we discuss the subject of situational awareness, and the one piece of technology we all have; Our phones. When we lose ourselves in our phones and have our earbuds in, we are giving up two sensory systems; Our eyes and our ears. This makes us a perfect profile and target for predators. We'll go over two examples from the streets of London and a bus in Seattle. The bus is an amazing example because right in the middle of a situation with a firearm, the guy takes the time to protect his phone and put it in his pocket! So be aware of what these amazing devices are giving to us, and taking away.

00:00 Introduction
00:40 What Phones Are Doing To Us - Two Examples Of Giving Up Situational Awareness
01:25 1st Example - Muslime Girl Walking The Streets Of London
02:52 2nd Example - Incident On A Bus In Seattle
04:58 Comments On The Examples
06:09 In Closing & Please Subscribe

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