The Hollow People | Ep. 664

3 years ago

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Joe Biden’s Attorney General nominee claims that domestic terrorism doesn’t count when it happens at night. We’ll talk about that and some of his other bizarre statements during his confirmation hearing. Plus Five Headlines including the head of the American Federation of Teachers arrogantly waving away concerns about the well-being of children. Also, Coca-Cola continues its damage control efforts after its racist anti-white indoctrination of employees was revealed. And in our Daily Cancellation, we’ll discuss a recent study which claims that left wing female politicians are the primary targets of abuse and harassment online. Is there any truth to that? No, there isn’t, but we’ll discuss.

Thank you for tuning into The Matt Walsh Show on Rumble! 

As a conservative media organization, it’s no surprise that we here at The Daily Wire are the targets of incessant censorship and bogus “fact-checks." Moreover, leftists constantly try to “cancel” us and get us deplatformed off of social media.

Nonetheless, we’re trying to make an impact on the culture in more ways than one. Just last month, we released our first-ever feature film titled ‘RUN HIDE FIGHT.’ The film follows the story of 17-year-old student Zoe Hull, who uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life, and those of her classmates, against a group of live-streaming school shooters.

This is just one of many pieces of entertainment content we hope to produce in the coming years — and your membership at can help us continue to make an impact on the culture. If you’re tired of the woke nonsense Hollywood has been churning out in recent years, we think you’ll really enjoy this film. 

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