Cryptocurrencies, Nanobots and Driverless Cars - Technology is Conquering Us

4 years ago

This coming Monday we will be talking about crypto-currencies. What are they? What backs up this currency? Is this currency getting us prepared for the day when physical money will no longer be used? Will transactions be conducted via a chip inside a person or some other means? Have the Central Banks of the world been getting ready for crypto-currency by issuing money that has nothing to back it up? Is the cashless society spoken of in Revelation really that close?

What about nanobots? Will they play a part in conjunction with Cryptocurrencies? Are they inside you now? Can they change your DNA? Where will driverless cars lead us? Will they be a convenience or a dangerous mode of transportation? There is a lot to consider with these subjects and we hope to bring forth some light and cause you to question if technology is good or bad, for our benefit or for our destruction?

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