Revelion at Europe - Spain-Rumanía & more

4 years ago

When you live according to the doctrines and manipulations of others when you let yourself be indoctrinated and you are so weak to think for another and act according to the commandments not of God but of another human being just like you, and you only settle for doing what That person believes that you should do as you should think and that you should say ... you simply have not lived your life but someone else's, you do not exist ... you were born not to be you ... that's why for me to be authentic and think for yourself It is so important ... no being better than another has been born ... for God we are all equal and with the same opportunities to go through this life and learn from each stage and use everything good and bad to grow spiritually ... The problem is when you leave ... when they show you the movie of your life ... if you have not fulfilled the mission of being humble and having compassion for others ... I don't think you're ready and I don't know where to go they will send ... the greatest riches you can take are those with compassion and humility. but they may confuse it with weakness ... fight for your ideals, do not sell your concepts or bend them to anyone, defend them with respect but with great courage AND JUST KNEEL BEFORE GOD.

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