3 years ago

To give y'all some context: I'm a disabled vet and my girlfriend and I have been homeless for over a year now. We have been staying in a small room in the same motel the majority of the time, and the owner only accepts cash.
Now, I do get disability from the VA, however with groceries and other essentials, it only allows me to pay for a little over half the month at the motel.
So for the rest of the month, I have to come up with cash(approximately$680) I've applied for jobs but nothing yet, so I drew up a sign, and stand at a couple different spots.
I do this to keep a roof over my girlfriend's head and food in her stomach.
And 95% of police are cool with me...Except 1.
His name is Officer Jeff Dubuc, and he is as corrupt as they come. He has let me know that he has a hatred for me personally. He has gone to local businesses and told them that if they see me standing, they are to call him directly and press tresspassing charges against me(This sounds like entrapment to me) Luckily, none of them care enough to have done this.
He's stolen from me.
He's gone thru my wallet and threatened to have his buddy who works at the state shut my foodstamps off, and my girlfriends foodstamps as well.
Lo and behold, my foodstamps were terminated 3 months ago with no explanation or letter.
This is the 10th ticket along with 3 arresta from him personally in less than a year.
This "man" threatens me.
He threatens my girlfriend.
I fucked up the camera when he got out to give me the ticket, for that I'm sorry, he is on the internet however, I know he at least has a LinkedIn acct, whatever that is.
Please, comment, share the hell out of this video---HELP ME MAKE OFFICER JEFF DUBUC OF THE BERLIN POLICE DEPARTMENT FAMOUS,
Thank You,

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