Smokers Are NOT Real People

3 years ago

How denigrating, right? But wait. Before getting upset, firing up a fresh dose of nicotine to calm down, and telling me what a horrible, judgmental person I am — at least hear what "Smokers are NOT Real People" means.

Like other commonly abused drugs, nicotine acts as an anesthetic. It is a biochemical means to dull the pain of conscience stemming from unrecognized resentment and suppressed anger.

All nicotine addicts numb the pain of guilty conscience associated with inhibited anger.

Unless they find a real solution to their sensitivity to resentment, they are in grave danger of emotionally caused vascular catastrophe. Unrecognized bitterness and the obsessive quest for chemical relief is the reason every cigar or cigarette smoker, vaper or tobacco chewer gets addicted to nicotine.

There is no such thing as a nicotine addict who does not have emotional contempt, hidden or apparent, and does not seek relief through the drug. This powerful psychoactive stimulant permits a broken individual to maintain the appearance of calmness and serenity, despite being slowly killed through an unseen, negative, emotional force.

Failing to get free from anger, he finds it impossible to quit. He is obsessed with relief and cannot regulate. He can detox 1,000 times, but unless he also gets free from anger, or switches to substitutes like food, relationships, or sex, there is no freedom from nicotine.

You cannot go to a psychologist to get free from anger. There is no therapy that works. "Anger Management" does not exist. That is a ruse. Hypnosis ultimately makes him emotionally worse off and struggling with substitute addictions. Yet there is a solution. You can become immune to the effects of negative emotion.

That protection become automatic the moment you are conscious. Not Self-conscious, but a very special kind of consciousness that brings you back to who you really are. It takes a little getting used to.

It can be a little awkward at first. But once you get the hang of it, the world becomes a different place for you. You wake up, you heal and lose your bad habits, including nicotine addiction.

First give up anger, then quitting smoking, or however you take your nicotine doses, becomes a breeze. It is the simplest of the additive narcotics to give up. All on need do is stop hating.

I show you how on my website:

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