Re-uploaded Notice of Liability

3 years ago

Lawful notice given as an honorable preemptive action to go about your life without the insanity of the past .,,, lifetimes costing us anymore than it already has. The losses we all suffered generationally cannot be repaired or repaid .
All credit to this video goes to A Warrior Calls - Cristopher James who spent last 20 years researching, applying, understanding and finally setting new paths to achieve lawful sovereignty and live as God intended for mankind. The horrendous trespasses committed against all humanity, from the unlawful conversion - our birth certificate is theft of our identity, and the commodity we become soon after as titled capitalized traded and sold like a convertible bond, valued on our full potential profit generation over a lifetime of taxes and fees ......, we are the consenting useless eater in their eyes CB / DS / PUPPET MASTERS // CABAL // 13 bloodlines// infiltrators // dark possessed separated from source, Those who are of pure evil // Satan Worshipers// Canaanites // whatever you call them...
Ignorance was of our own actions.
Welcome to #TheGreatAwakening
patriots of mankind :
there is a fire in my heart for all the global prosperity that is full of potential mountain of positive outcomes benefiting all who choose them, that this exists for us when we are ready I have no doubt at all

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