Meeting Series - RAW

3 years ago

This is a follow on of the cover of VICE TV's documentary 'Meet the Targeted Individual Community - Revisited' we released a few weeks back.

Remember millions have watched the censored VICE piece unaware it was censored. Which of course given this series debunks their conclusions and proves matters, these are video's people really 'need' to be watching.

This ain't a 'future gig', clearly ..!?

It's subtitled 'Prose and an Ode to Phil Leek' and is dedicated to his memory - as well as the others featured in it whom are no longer with us now either. The focus and general message we're conveying in this piece is on the importance of Targeted Individuals producing and leaving testimony. Which, as the film portrays, can be done in many ways; such as via art, the spoken word, video testimony or music. The only limitations to this are our own imaginations and as we're all very aware there are a great many extremely creative TI's out there. This after all is one of the reasons people are targeted in the first place, to suppress them, prevent them from countering these hidden agenda's and ensuring any threat they may pose is neutralised.

Operations are only expanding and with total control of the globes population via technological means the ultimate goal, you can bet your bottom dollar all this depicts does involves you too. You're merely likely unaware of it yet and therefore need to wise-up!!

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