Purim...A Celebration Of Separation From God...

3 years ago

Esther is the most unusual book in the Bible for many reasons, not the least of which is that God's Name does not appear in it. As a Jewish Convert (Not A Ribinical Conversion, But an Accepting of the Whole Law Like At Siani Conversion) I instinctively knew not to celebrate Purim or Hanukkah. After reading the Bible 3 hours a day while in prison for the 1st 7 years, now in my 23rd Year, I can explain better now.
God is watching everything we do and it's important we don't participate in these two Added Pagan Holidays. The Jewish denominations all revere Purim but it does not appear in Leviticus Chapter 23 where all God's sanctioned holy days appear. The following video may help you to avoid this disastrous "Fake News" holiday. As for me, I'm a little angry in the video and I apologize for that ahead of time but it not You I'm angry at because it is the Rabbi's that have led us astray. As for Christians and all their denominations, it is not the members who are guilty of deceptions like Purim but rather the leaders who caused 98% of their practice to be Pagan and Anti-Scripture. You don't need either organization, in fact, if you are involved in them the bible teaches that you must come out of the false churches. Thanks for watching but I warn You if you do not obey God's dietary laws it will be very hard to understand, for it is God's biblical dietary laws that are the foundation of understanding. 1st avoid Jewish Kosher meat and any blood as defined in the bible like a McDonald's hamburger. Partaking in this sin makes God your enemy. Leviticus Chapter 17:All. Please comment if I can help with your walk with God, you were born to know Him, not the traditions of the Churches and Pagan Synagogues.

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