Virus Magnetically Propelled Boat

3 years ago

This is another video of the magnetic boat (4x time lapsed) with one permanent magnet and one electromagnet. The coil is actually .59 ohms and not 59 ohms as might have been previously mentioned. So with 4.5 volts it would have been 7.4 amps but with the 10 ohm resistor is only .45 amps at about 150 to 200 turns. Still it gets the job done. The aluminum pan full of water is 12 inches in diameter so while there is some motion from water current you can see the boat speed up to 4 inches per minute (for about 1 inch in 4 seconds at 4x timelapse so 1 inch in 16 seconds).

These experiments have always been confined to a small scale so if anyone is trying to develop a flying car with 1 bizillion watts of electricity using this principle, you are on your own:)

Stay tuned:)

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