Waiting for Andrew, the First "Iowa Grand" (June 2019)

3 years ago

A trip to welcome a new grandson!
Since we were towing TC, we decided to stop at a campground about halfway. We chose Cuivre (pronounced like "quiver") River State Park in Missouri. The campground was fairly empty when we arrived in the afternoon, however around 6pm the RV's started rolling in and by the next morning, I don't think there were any vacant campsites. Although the host was both friendly and helpful, we couldn't quite figure out why this campground was so crowded. It was not located on water, not picturesque, and the swimming area was quite a distance away. Maybe the locals knew something we didn't.

Our stay in Meservey was wonderful (of course!) but extremely hot. It was in the upper 90's and not much breeze. Poor Sabrina! The locals told us that the temperatures were abnormally hot.

Our return trip was quite a challenge. Unfortunately we arrived in St.Louis, MO during rush hour AND there was an accident on the interstate. Hank chose to take an exit and attempt to bypass the accident as well as avoid getting stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Well, not only did we make it through with only a paper map to guide the way, but Hank handled towing TC through the side streets of St.Louis like a pro! Also, due to time work time constraints we drove the entire 12+ hours without stopping. We arrived home just around midnight and for anyone who has attempted to give directions to someone backing-up a camper on a country road in the dark knows that apologies will be forthcoming! ;)
Cuivre River State Park: https://mostateparks.com/campgrounds/...​
Meservey, IA: https://meserveyia.com/

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