"Revelation 7 Highlight: The Greatest Diversity in History," Eternity Now

4 years ago

This brief highlight from the Revelation 7 message talks of how those in heaven martyred in The Tribulation will be of "every tribe and tongue" and worshipping God. The Rev. Kyle Huckins, Ph.D., Eternity Now pastor/evangelist, is excited to think of such a great company as a longtime racial diversity activist. He is currently preaching through Revelation verse-by-verse with a chapter a week.

Eternity Now is an evangelism movement & church based in Amarillo, Texas, witnessing the Gospel to well over 150,000 in person and via media since May 2020. Give a tax-deductible donation to keep our ministry going by heading to https://bit.ly/givetoeternitynow​, which will allow you to give securely with our official PayPal donation button either one time or monthly. You do not need a PayPal account to give.

If you're in the Top O' Texas, come and join us Saturdays at 5 pm for worship in West Texas A&M University's Kelley Student Center, Room 16, Canyon. Go to the Information Desk, take the stairs down, and Room 16 (Senate Chamber) is on your left. We also have Evangelism & Prayer Class at 4 pm, the reason we meet Saturday, not Sunday. Come by the Soncy United Supermarket cafe in Amarillo for Bible study on Wednesdays at 7 pm as we go through John's Gospel. Jesus is Lord!

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