Authentic Keto Diet Plan for Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian?

3 years ago

What are the benefits of a keto diet?
Weight loss: Weight loss is the primary goal of the keto diet. Because it is low on carbs, it uses the fat instead as a source of energy, which means it’s burning out the good fat in your body and giving you nutrition. Also, this tends to be high protein, so you don’t get hungry easily.
Skincare: Since refined carbs like maida and sugar are not part of the diet, you’re cutting out one of the major causes of acne and dehydrated skin.
Cholesterol levels: The keto diet improves heart health significantly, by consuming healthy fats rich in HDL or good cholesterol levels like avocados and cheese, and eliminating all the ingredients with LDL or bad cholesterol. This in turn results in optimal heart health. The diet also lowers hemoglobin A1c levels, a measurement of a person's blood sugar levels.
Prevents cancer: Regularly following the keto diet leads to lesser chances of cancer, since it causes more oxidative stress. It is also a better and more complimentary diet for people who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, enabling more nutrition and quicker oxidation of cancer cells.
Reduces risk of PCOS and other ovarian issues: A low-carb diet is useful in maintaining hormonal balance, which in turn is responsible for reproductive health. Weight loss, improved insulin levels and reduced risk of cysts are some of the benefits of the keto diet.
Lesser chance of seizures: People who are prone to epilepsy can stick to the keto diet to reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures, especially children. An estimated 50 percent of children on the ketogenic diet reduce their seizures by half. An estimated 10 to 15 percent of children do not experience seizures after adopting the diet.
Aids brain function: The keto diet has several neurological benefits. It aids cognitive health, reducing the risk of Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s and even stress and insomnia in some cases. Read more:

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