Easter Challenge

4 years ago

Explain what happened on Easter.

This is not a “trick” question.
The conditions are simple.
In each of the four gospels,
begin at Easter morning and
read to the end of that chapter.

References are to the Gideon edition,
found in many hotel rooms.

In Matthew, Chapter 28 (page 967),
St. Mark, Chapter 16 (page 990),
St. Luke, Chapter 24 (page 1029),
St. John, Chapters 20 and 21 (page 1059).

The verses are short.
To make the task easier,
Use the following table or
make one yourself.

Then, without omitting a single detail
from these separate accounts,
write a straightforward, chronological
narrative of the events between the
resurrection and the ascension.

What happened first, then second,
then third, and so on. Include who
said what to whom, when said,
and where things happened.

In short, give a plausible account
using ALL the facts from these
three contradictory stories
in the Bible.

You may add an additional
explanation of the narrative
by setting your comments
apart in parentheses.

The most important part
of the challenge is
you cannot omit
one biblical detail.

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