A wake-up call for continual improvement

3 years ago

As CISOs, risk management professionals and MNO retail and enterprise executives, you invest $ and dedicate significant time to planning for major disruptions, and those plans are never as realistic as we would like. Remember, the satisfaction of our customers needs to be at the core of everything we do and wrapped into your plans.
In this video, you will learn about the challenges and opportunities related to:

- Channel Mix Irreversibly Changed
- People & Skills Requirements Shift
- Fraud & Security Attacks Escalate
- Consumer Behavioral Change
- Government Regulations

We all hope that the COVID-19 situation is a once in a lifetime event (never to be repeated), but it is also a wake-up call for continual improvement.
The key, in times like this, is to adapt quickly. CISOs, MNO executives, risk management professionals, etc should consider what’s working well now, what could be better, and build their plans accordingly.


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