You Don't Have It All Together

3 years ago


Hello brothers and sisters and Youtube family hope you guys are being blessed

On this day the girls had just arrived as we had to pick them up and hour and half away at Santa Fe. One of the girls almost didn't make it as she missed her flight so we had the intercessors praying that she would make it and she did! One arrived Monday evening and stayed in the hotel for the night and the other two arrived the following day in the evening. So upon picking the first girl up we had about 6 hours to fill before we picked up the remaining two.
Initially I wanted to have an opportunity for us to serve at a homeless shelter but because of the covid many of the shelters were not taking volunteers. I wanted the girls to get a taste of what it would be like when we go to Ghana,We decided to fill up our time by helping others in Sante Fe so after getting a bite to eat we got some food and handed out to the many homeless that were in that area. We also helped out a grandmother who had custody of her grandchildren.It really was an awesome time as we just prayed and loved on those who met. Once we picked up the girls there was a man who needed a ride so we dropped him off at his hotel in downtown Santa Fe and as he was getting out he told us to go to the church at the end of the street. When we turned to the car around we saw a statue of St. Francis as it read the saint for missionaries and Blessed Mother. The girls all decided to jump out of the car and take picture as it became an emotional confirmation for them that they were meant to be here.
We decided to then take the guys advice and head to the church we saw at the end of the street. Which happened to be St. Francis Basicllica it was so beautiful and another confirmation that they, we were all right where we needed to be. I will have pictures and videos for you all at the end of the message. So we made our way back to Taos and that morning I encouraged them all to spend time alone with the Lord before we gathered together to pray. I found myself in a position I had never been before as I desired to get to know the girls better to become friends with them, but also as their spiritual mother,teach them about our spirituality to ensure they would grow spiritualy.

So I got some readings before I went into prayer from Sarah Youngs "Jesus Calling" devotional and it read "Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Be still, while I transform your heart and mind. Let go of cares and worries, so that you can receive My Peace. Cease striving, and know that I am God.
Do not be like Pharisees who multiplied regulations, creating their own form of "godliness." They got so wrapped up in their own rules that they lost sight of Me. Even today, man-made rules about how to live the Christian life enslave many people. Their focus is on their performance, rather than on Me.
It is through knowing Me intimately that you become like Me. This requires spending time alone with Me. Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10"

Then one of the songs Holy Spirit picked was a new song I had not heard before which also referenced to not having a spirit of Pharisee and passing by the needy. Immediately I became full of anxiety thinking could I have a religious spirit as I am desiring to teach the girls certain things and showing them to do things in a certain way. I don't mind it guys when the Lord shows me I have pride because I know I have a lot of pride but when I get self righteousness or referencing to a Pharisee spirit in my striving I cringe, get knots in my stomach and feel so insecure with where I stand with the Lord. So after that song, I felt so discouraged and wondering If I could be operating under that spirit Jesus began to speak to me whiles I was in adoration with him.

"You don't have a religious spirit my love. You are my bride, these are attacks of the enemy to cause you to lose your peace and become anxious and insecure in me.

As I said,
Well Lord what about the readings you gave me they did bring anxiety and the song as well?

Jesus responded,
"Well my little one I wanted to make sure that you stay in the right direction. I dont want t to perform for them or for me. I have seen your worries as you striving to lead by example rather than just be who you are, my little childlike bride who relishes in my presence and loves me more than life itself and loves others as well. Remember its love that is your vocation and self love that shall be your mortification not just for you, but this community. It is good to teach them on the spirituality and charisim of the order ,but it is by love my beloved one by love. You see I led my disciples not so much showing them what to do and what not to do, but how I loved them. In all their weakness and brokenness, and how I was so merciful to sinners, loving and touching the lepers which broke down many religious laws and beliefs that were a taboo in my day. So as I led doing the will of the Father , loving them and loving sinners they learned what to do and what not to do. Where as the pharisees were taught what to do and what not to do, but missed me and missed my heart. I don't want you to fear any longer in all your imperfections I have chosen you too lead because of your love my little one. You really love me"

I said,
Aw Lord, brings me so much comfort to hear that
Jesus continued,
"So I want you to teach others how to love me and receive my love. When these souls or any souls for that matter love, really fall in love me they will follow me anywhere, do anything out of love for me despite your example do you understand? "

I said,
That's true Lord

Jesus continued,
"Mother Clare was and is a perfect example of how I can use anyone in their weakness in a mighty way. It shows my profound mercy and my love. Many who came looking to her to lead in perfection left scandalized, and worse off then they came. Which was not due to her leadership, but to their critical spirit and judgmental heart forgetting I have been so merciful and gracious with them in all their weaknesses yet they expected perfection from my leadership. No, a work has to be done in a soul like that until they too are broken and humbled. It was out of love for me when things got really tough that you stayed, endured, served and loved because you loved me and out of MY love you were able to love everyone in the community. So my leaders lead by love my little one. No more striving with me or striving for others as well to come off as you have it all together because you don't.
(I was like dang Jesus)
but continue to bring me your brokenness every morning, and share with the girls your brokenness, your weaknesses and speak of my mercy that got you were you are and gave you the grace to endure all I allowed. Remember your littleness draws me to your side to pick you up and bring you high up to my heart and I want you to teach others in the same way. When a soul is in love with me expectations and demands to my will never seem to much but are a delight as they respond trusting that I will do it through them not trusting in their own strength. Love, lead, and be honest."

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

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