Experts warn to remove ice dams from homes as warmer weather nears

3 years ago

The icicles you see hanging from the roof of your home may be pretty, but they're a sign of an even bigger problem. Ice dams. And if you don't take care of the problem now, you could be paying for it later. "The bigger the icicle, the greater your chances are that you have a bigger ice damn that's going to cause a problem on your roof," said Joe Palumbo, President of Ice Dam Removal Guys. Between the below-freezing temperatures and the snow Wisconsin has been hit with over the past couple of weeks, knowing that warmer weather is on the way is giving us something to look forward to. But if you aren't taking care of that leftover snow on your roofs, you could be dealing with a much bigger problem. John Cieslinksi is no stranger to the harsh weather conditions the wintertime in Wisconsin can bring. And after dealing with a stretch of bitter cold temperatures and snow in Milwaukee, he's doing everything he can to prevent any ice dams from forming on his roof now that the weather is expected to warm up.

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