Sogno d'infanzia - 15 chamber compositions - Bellini

4 years ago

Sogno d'infanzia by Bellini.


Soave sogno de' miei primi anni,
di tue memorie m'inebbria il cor;
solo in te spero nel mio dolor.

Nulla bandirti può dalla mente,
ignoto oggetto de' miei desir;
qual m'eri allora, t'ho ancor presente
col tuo sorriso, col tuo languor.

Sì, sempre, o cara, voglio adorarti,
e a' tuoi bei sguardi sempre pensar,
e a te miei giorni tutti sacrar.

Quando dal cielo scesa io mirai
la tua persona bella e pudica,
giovine allora, ah, non pensai
che tardi un giorno fòra l'amar.

Rapido lampo tua debil vita
seco travolse dove si muor,
ed io ti chiamo ancor.

Pera l'istante quand'io ti vidi
pura qual giglio sulle prim'ore:
tu ti slanciasti verso i tuoi lidi,
e di te privo muore il mio cor.

English translation:

Sweet dreams of my first years
my heart intoxicates me with your memory;
in my torment, I hope in you only.

Nothing can banish you from my mind,
unknown object of my desires;
as you were for me then, I remember you
with your smile, with your languor.

Yes, my dear, I want to adore you always,
to always think of your beautiful glances,
to devote to you all my days.

When I first looked at your beautiful and chaste figure,
descended from heaven,
I was young and, alas, I did not think
that one day it would be too late to love you.

A quick flash swept your weak life away
and took it where one dies,
and I still call you.

I curse the moment when I saw you
as pure as a lily at dawn:
you flew to your shores,
and without you my heart dies.

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