US Senate - Homeland Security Committee - Hearing on Alleged Election Fraud

3 years ago

Jesse Binnal testifies under oath to what he saw in his state. His evidence shows 130,000 illegal votes which was determined with only the publicly available data. He wasn't allowed but 3 days for discovery in his court case. The state officials and election officials wouldn't cooperate and stonewalled him at every turn while he persistently pursued the collection of court admissible evidence. It was basically an impossible situation due to only being given 3 days for such a difficult task, and in the end he was not allowed to present evidence to the court regarding his claims because he missed the discovery deadline.

This was exactly the same with all other challenges to the election in the handful of states that were being challenged. Officials in charge of the election, along with courts, secretaries of state, and governors refused to cooperate with any probes into the legitimacy of the election. No forensic audits were allowed, and no evidence was ever allowed into any court in any state where a challenge was filed.

Considering all of the statistics, anomalies, and video footage I've seen of blatant interference by the democrats to hinder the republicans at every turn during the 2020 election, from the beginning of the election until Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I have no choice but to draw the conclusion that the lack of regard for being seen doing these things out in the open was a clear admission that they were altering the election and that Joe Biden was being installed rather than legally elected.

The FBI and the DOJ didn't investigate a single report of 1000s of sworn affidavits of witnesses who saw fraud being committed in a vast number of ways and which also resulted in plenty of votes being stolen from Donald Trump and more than enough to declare Joe Biden the winner afterwards.

I am 100% sure that if a forensic audit would have been conducted in the handful of states in question, every single one of them would have clearly show that Donald Trump and not Joe Biden was the President that was rightfully elected.

The evidence is there, and plenty of it, for anyone who is an honest human being and has the decency to look at it rather than just accept the results because the outcome was what you wanted it to be. I've realized from seeing all of this unfold in the 2020 election that there are very few honest democrats, and very few with any integrity. I didn't realize prior to this election how many people living around me don't deserve the respect I've given them over the years.

What I've seen is reprehensible, it is disgusting, it is dishonest, it is immoral, and it is unethical, and there are a whole lot of Americans who seem to be okay with all of that. You don't need to chime in unless there are forensic audits of the ballots in the contested states, because my challenge is simple: if Joe Biden really had won that election, why would he not have insisted on a forensic audit of the ballots himself?

The answer is simple, because he didn't win and he knows he didn't win, and any democrat, republican, independent, libertarian, or non-affiliated voter who claims otherwise is a dishonest, irrational, illogical individual and I'm literally calling you all of those things, and I do not care what you think about it or how you feel about it. You are a liar, and I have no respect for you whatsoever because you deserve none.

It is that simple, I don't like liars, thieves, or cheaters, and I never have. I don't care who you are, I will not make an exception to that for you, whether you are family, friend, or foe. I have seen plenty of justification for a full forensic audit of the votes in the 2020 election and there is not a justifiable reason as to why that has been flat out denied in every state in question. If you don't see a problem with that, then YOU ARE the PROBLEM in this country.

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