Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advisors Put Students Into Excess Hours = Out of State Tuition

3 years ago

Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advisors, Derrick Logozzo & Melissa Logan, put students into 100-161 credit hours. Students spend 3-5 full-time years in what is supposed to be a 2 year junior college program. An Associate's Degree is only 60 credit hours. Only 66 hours will transfer. All attempted credit hours count. At 150 hours out of state tuition (which financial aid does not cover) is charged. At 90 credit hours financial aid ends at Dallas College. At 180 hours financial aid ends.

Very few students graduate with an Associate's Degree or transfer. Of those that do transfer only a tiny fraction complete a Bachelor's Degree. Many students are brought into the program that do not have the music background and skills to succeed. The dirty advisors also lure students in with programs like Audio Engineering and Music Production that don't exist on campus. Dozens of hours of music nonsense will not lead to gainful employment.

The Richland Campus has the best adjunct faculty available. The predatory advisors using students to fill their music chairs for $$$$$$$ have destroyed the program and ended the academic careers of so many trusting students.

This music program is a bloodbath for the students, paying parents and taxpayers.

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