Season 2 Episode 8: Choices| The Butterfly Effect

4 years ago

In this episode we get personal about our life, how we met, the tragedy and blessings behind this, and the decisions that we have made to get to where we are today.

We hold a true belief that every decision is vital. Even if that decision seems so small. We talk about our personal experiences of how the smallest decision to just go somewhere can have profound effects on your future, life, and even the generations to come.

The butterfly effect is defined as:
(in chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. (Webster's Dictionary).

The butterfly effect is a theory that if a butterfly flaps it's wings across the world it can seemingly effect the other side of the world (positive or negative).

Our story is someone else's story. We are all interconnected into this great tale that not even the best writer in the world could make up. The choices that we make can very much shape us. We just have to remember that God has overall control of how our life will be. Does this mean we blame God for our bad choices? No. Our choices still matter. They still define. They lead us to our fate and destiny determined by God.

We just have to surrender control.

We'd love to hear your idea about decisions, the butterfly effect, or anything else that is on your mind!

Comment and subscribe.

The short video and photo within the podcast is from Pexels is a cc place for creative where everything is free to be used. The music is from

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