Doggo is an Expert Painter

3 years ago

Occurred on / Edmonton, Canada

Info From Licensor: Denise, an ESL teacher from Edmonton, Canada, has taught their dog, Hunter, to paint! "Initially it was just another fun, unique trick to teach him and we didn't realize that the result was going to be as good as it was," said Denise. Hunter is a smart and active good who needs lots of exercise and mental stimulation. He loves learning new tricks so we tried to teach him lots of different things and when we ran out of the usual tricks, we decided to teach him how to paint! He was already able to hold things in his mouth on command.  We showed him how to touch the paintbrush to the canvas.  When he figured that out, we added the paint. The very first painting he made looked so great, we were totally shocked. We shared it online and got a huge reaction. It spread quite quickly after that! We are consistently amazed at how each painting is so consistent but also unique depending on his mood. His strokes can vary quite a bit and they can capture some of his feelings he has at the same time.

Glitter Blast by Kevin MacLeod

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