The Economy of Grace

4 years ago

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Lord okay so first Lord I had a very intersesting dream with Brother James and Mother Clare in it. I was going back home to Dallas and they both gave me a word like to spend the whole night praying. I knew that you had rleased like a healing anointing and that you wanted me to go to the malls to pray for people. I found myself in the dream nervous or fearful first about prayer, then nervous to go and pray for people During in adoration that came to my mind as I saw myself in my habit at the Parks mall asking people for prayer and telling those who I prayed for healing. How they don’t have to have faith to be healed but to keep their healing then I started thinking of the other dream I had . How a boy who was born blind was healed complelty but then he lost his sight a little later then he came after me in anger. Thininking Lord oh boy, I can see the crucifition in that and thinking where was that in scripture where you healed someone one but they didn’t retain their healing and the thought of the 10 0r 5 lepers came to mind. How only one came back to thank you and there fore received his salvation. Was it his faith that made him come back to thank you….Lord are these thoughts from you or from me?
Lord I felt you said that I would have many small missions leading up to my “mission’

Beloved I am here how you have such an anxious mind but there will be truly exiting times aghead of you yes you are my little missionary and every where I send you will be your mission field yremember your mission is not place but to share me to tohers, to show the world my love to become and be a testimony of love that is your true mission and I desire for you to do that where you go and whever I seond you so rest in that for now belvoed
I do want to share about that economy of grace and to my little ons share with them your many weaknessed dear. I want no one thinking your something you are not but a great example for my abundant grace for anyone who would avila themselves

Okay Lord,
So family, I couldn’t really sleep that well last night not sure why I kept tossing and turning. It felt like I had lost my peace for a moment and when I lose my peace that means I have walked in pride about something. So that’s all that kept popping in my head “pride’ Pride’ Pride” I was like uh oh Lord please help me if pride is rising up within me. It’s been amazing to see the Lords faithfulness in these messages but, hearing from him and getting praise from others that is just all a recipe for pride to rise. So I had been asking Jesus and Blessed Mother to please help me in that area and to not allow any of these things the Lord is doing through me to raise my head and heart in pride. I hate pride, and I shouldn’t be fearful of a fall but I am. Its funny because in the beginning of my walk I ran after the approval of man and really wanted people to see the Lord working through me. I thought that was the source of my identity but the Lord really crushed that by allowing no one to recognize the gifts or really approve of me lol
When I was in the world my identity was CEO, fashion designer, model, even planner, leader, mogul (which only I proclaimed) but not a Child of God. As the Lord had me lay all of these pursuits down if I can be honest I found that same driven nature in the church. In the world I would go to networking meetings and the first thing everyone ask is “ So what do you do” and when I got around church young adults circles one of the top questions was “ so what are you called to do” “do you know your gifts”? So I began seek Jesus for my calling and gifts. Then one day I was belittled by a friend who seemed so confident in her call. It cut my heart deep so on break I ran to my car and began to cry as I cried out to fervently asking him to tell me my gifts, I need to know mine so I could stand confidently in him. Then finally Jesus spoke these words in my heart as I was crying and he said “ If you don’t know my ways and they are not in bedded in your heart how else are you able to walk in your calling”? I was dumfounded and so grateful for those words that gave me peace but challenged me. Which caused me begin seeking Jesus for who he was and not what he had called me to do. He gave me that same word to me again coming on this mountain. As I have walked with Jesus I have found that when you untie yourself to him, when his presence becomes your sole pursuit than you truly have all spiritual blessings as Paul says in Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ” . Jesus moved in the spirit with all the gifts.

So I had to find it in the Lord which I am so grateful for. Furthermore, for the past year he has had me hidden tucked away in his heart in the wilderness. Where I have been enjoying his very real presence and love. Where I was stripped of everything and everyone and seeking no one or nothing but Jesus. I eventually came to love the “hidden” life as he calls it. All things hidden only for his eyes. So when he started giving me these message and sharing about the mission he had for me. Guys, I cried and cried trembling in fear because I have come to not really want to be “ visible or known or anything for that matter. Until he reminded me th5rough a rhema from the book “Jesus CEO” and it opened the chapter “Jesus was visible, he always stood out in the crowd”. For some of us he has called us to a “hidden life” as the duty of our state that is for many hidden Mothers, wives, children and husbands whose lives are in the background but they have great virtue before the eyes of the Lord, their lives are a sweet aroma sacrifice to the Lord, their prayers are so powerful and no one would know it but all of heaven knows. There are other souls who he places in the “hidden life” for some time which he does with most of us who are called by him. So that our foundation is on him, his love, his validation and his will once we mature in that he can than entrust us with a visible life because we have cultivated a deep, real deep relationship with him in that secret place during our “hidden life”.
Jesus lived a life of obscurity for 30 years and only 3 years of ministry. So God allowed his son to be perfected that long until his ministry than how much more us?

In Hebrew 5:8 it says “ Although He was a Son, He learned obedience by things He suffered”. Wow even Jesus, being God made himself no equality to God that he so humbled himself to be able to learn from the Father here on earth that he may be used by him in such a powerful way.
So it’s important that we too humble ourselves, and be empty of “self” that God may use us as he pleases. Truly there is no reason to be jealous of me because I am what I am by the Grace of God. Truly its all him every bit of it.

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