Slovenia National Anthem (Instrumental) Zdravljica

4 years ago

Anthem of the Slovene nation (Slovene: Himna slovenskega naroda) is based on a poem by the 19th-century Romantic Slovene poet France Prešeren, inspired by the ideals of "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité".
The music was written by the Slovene composer Stanko Premrl in 1905.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
God's blessing on all nations
Who long and work for that bright day
When o'er earth's habitations
No war, no strife shall hold its sway
Who long to see
That all men free
No more shall foes, but neighbours be!

Nationalhymne Sloweniens / Inno Nazionale della Slovenia / Hino Nacional da Eslovénia / Hymne National de Slovénie / Himna Slovenije / Sloveens Volkslied / Himno Nacional de Eslovenia / Гимн Словении

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