Discovering History - Dr. Doug Petrovich

4 years ago

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Ever wonder what it would be like to uncover history for a living? If history is your thing, this might sound like fun. Today on Kevin’s show, Dr. Doug Petrovich, who is an archaeologist, will share some of the amazing discoveries he has found.

Douglas was formerly the academic dean and professor at Novosibirsk Biblical-Theological Seminary,(Akademgorodok, Siberia, Russia). His interests include biblical exegesis, biblical history, Egyptology, ANE history (including archaeology, epigraphy, and iconography). He is a contributor to Associates for Biblical Research.

He has uncovered many incredible artifacts that verify the events and people in the historical accounts of Genesis and Exodus. This includes key figures such as Joseph, Menasseh, and Moses. He has also uncovered evidence that the Exodus Pharaoh was not Rameses, but Akhenaton II. Tune in to hear about many other exciting discoveries that confirm the events in the Bible.

This episode first aired on April 1, 2017.
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