Viruses are NOT something you can catch , Dr Thomas Cowan

3 years ago

Dr Thomas Cowan's explanation about the current situation and electrical event humanity is facing, another pandemic. Part of the information given in the video can be confirmed using electric universe models and concepts.
Humans are complex bio-electric creatures, we live and function under the earths magnetic field and vibration, once measured by Dr Schumann, the Schumann reasonance between 7,8-12 HZ, the amount of electrical discharge per sec give us the vibration and well being we need. If our bio-electric field gets exposed to new frequencies or charged electromagnetic fields ( or from electric currents from space ) this will effect the field.

Throughout history we have seen large virus pandamics around the world when new frequencies or large charged electric currents ( CME's ) have hit our magnetic field. Our lungs get in contact with charged electric particles as air is a conductor as it is already a little bit pre-ionised by nature, and will have to find a way to detox its cells from pollution and radiation.

Another part is the science behind exosomes, these little pieces of RNA structures , which apparently acts as software loaded on a protein thats been created by DNA , has the function of removin toxins and prevent cellpoisoning which can ignite inflammation and detox processes are called a virus.
To back this concept up we need to expose the germ theory by Dr Louis Pasteur, in where a heritor broke the secrecy and brought many pieces of evidence into light at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
Have viruses been categorised unfairly into having the same principle elements like fungus and bacteria ?
Germ theory versus terrain theory, have we been adapting the wrong principle?

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