Lego Lord of the Rings Ep6: Amon Hen

3 years ago

The Fellowship travels to Lothlorien receiving help from the elves. They then travel closer to Mordor and arrive at Amon Hen. Boromir is tempted by the Ring. In game play Frodo has to outsmart Boromir and escape. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas must come to help Frodo. The uruk-hai intercept the fellowship and are fought back but not without losses. Boromir is slain and Merry and Pippin are taken by the uruks on their way back to Isengard. Sam finds Frodo and begins a journey with Frodo together into Mordor.

*A note to any that may be concerned about violence/gore in cut scenes with Boromir's death. There is no blood in Lego games. The mini figures burst apart into separate lego blocks. But in the cut scenes Boromir does take an arrow, a broom, and a banana as the three shots from an uruk-hai. Lego games try to make some intense scenes more comical for the younger players. The game is rated E-10+ for reasons like this though.

This episode marks the end of game play through the first movie.

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