Making Ads for e-Commerce - Explore the Beyond -- FIX IMAGES PLEASE...

4 years ago

Since the images I used wouldn’t “Save as…”, I took snapshots with my phone, inserted them into a doc file, and did all the cropping and corrections from there.

This is definitely doing things the hard way. -- If possible, try using Google Images to find your product. -- Use the product's name and description.

If unsuccessful, here's more information about how I muddled through using snapshots.

(Some of the notes I jotted down while trying to fix this video.)

From final doc draft…

Open doc file.

Select picture.

Click Picture Tools.

Click Corrections:

RUCKSACK: Sharpen 50% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +30

HIKING BOOTS: Sharpen 25% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +20

HOODIE: Sharpen 25% / Brighten -35 / Contrast +35

3 CANES: Sharpen 50% / Brighten -20 / Contrast +20

DRAGON WATCH: Sharpen 50% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +33


WOMEN’S BAG: Sharpen 55% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +25

RED CANE: Sharpen 40% / Brighten -10 / Contrast 0

SUN & MOON PENDANT: Sharpen 50% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +15


LOCKETS: Sharpen 25% / Brighten -10 / Contrast +10

(After you fix the obvious deficiencies, the not so obvious somehow become more annoying.)

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