My New Non Negotiable Exercise for Lumbar Spine Stability and Mobility (Back in the Gym!)

3 years ago

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In one of my recent home exercise videos, I detailed exercises to work your lumbar spine (lower back) through a full range of motion to slowly start returning movement to that area after a minor injury (more so tweaking.) In this video we are back in the gym!

The Hyper Extension machine is one of my favorite machines to warm my lumbar spine up prior to basically any big compound exercise. My tendency when I start to get fatigued on most heavier exercises is to flare my lower back. Three sets of this exercise (1 body weight, 2 weighted) is the perfect amount to get some flood flow in that area and to get my hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles working together to protect my spine.

We build these types of exercises into our training programs spread out throughout the week to ensure that we are not creating muscle imbalances with only the "heavy hitting" exercises.

Part of resilience is physical fitness - your body's ability to cope and adapt when put under stress. There is no better way to teach your physiology to thrive under pressure than to put it there, VOLUNTARILY.

This routine takes no more than a couple of minutes and can be customized for your level of joint health and mobility as well as your current strength levels. We take the same care when training our clients, in person and virtually. No body is the same and everyone has their own neuromuscular habits and compensations that we make sure to program around and build in exercises to slowly bring the body back into balance.

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