Qualified Immunity for Officers Who Tased a Man Covered in Gasoline and Burnt Down His House

3 years ago

Officers were called to the scene of a man who was threatening to take his life and burn down his house. The officers decided that even though this man was covered in gasoline, they should tase him which caused the man to light on fire and subsequentially burnt his house down.

The family of the man who was tased, decided to sue the officers for claiming that the officers violated the mans fourth amendment right by using excessive force. The officers ended up receiving qualified immunity and the case was dismissed.

• Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals bends over backwards to find qualified immunity exists for a cop who tased a man covered in gasoline
• The Circuit Court dismisses the lawsuits against the officers and extends qualified immunity doctrine to these types of cases

Full LIVE stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiJA92WKuC8

#WatchingtheWatchers #QualifiedImmunity #badpopo #badofficers #officermisconduct #CircuitCourt #dismissed #casedismissed #CourtofAppeals #ExcessiveForce

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R&R Law Group, PLLC.
5111 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 275.
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 787-0394
www.rrlawaz.com tips@rrlawaz.com (these go to Robert)

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