Coronavirus conversation; Cases dropping! Yet the hunt for a cloud in this silver lining.

3 years ago

Coronavirus case numbers and fatalities are down in the United States enormously. Are we ready to declare "victory" and get on with our business? Well if Sweden is an example, no. They done the best in Europe, yet "the beatings will continue until morale improves". There are few other jokes that come to mind unfortunately. But people who pursue power, once they get it well, they may enjoy it.
Italy has temperature sensitive drones pursuing people. Denmark wants a Corona passport. The United States wants to cut off Florida, yet open the border to Mexico. Florida's been doing a good job, Mexico, well will give them a pass, but if you worried about coronavirus contagion, you would probably do the opposite.
What is "herd immunity", how do we reach it? At what level? When did become a bad word? Why is it that every simple inexpensive choice has been thrown aside, for a time consuming more risky one?
Why do we air on the side of finding Covid deaths, and close things down for a disease which is only 1/3000 (0.03%) fatal– yet, downplay any vaccine or second vaccine reactions or deaths? No animal studies? No problem.
Why are people dissing the United States' vaccine creation and distribution? We led the world as we do with other illnesses in finding the answer: in this case in terms of treatment possibilities, medications, refinements and hospital care,, vaccine creation, innovation etc. Mr. Biden claims that there was no vaccine distribution before him, yet he got the vaccine before presidency.

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