LIES exposed: Human & Chimp DNA 99% identical LIE

3 years ago

Taken directly from Minute Earth on Youtube
Human & Chimp DNA is identical ONLY IF you remove all the MISMATCHING DNA.

Ignore 25% of Human DNA (3.097 DNA letters) = 774.25 million DNA base pairs
Ignore 18% of Chimp DNA (3.231 DNA letters) = 581.58 million DNA base pairs

"If a genetic paragraph containing thousands of letters long appears TWICE in a human scroll but only ONCE in it's chimp counterpart, should that second copy count as thousands of changes or just one? And what about identical paragraphs that appear in both genomes but in DIFFERENT PLACES or IN REVERSE ORDER or BROKEN UP INTO PIECES?
Rather than monkey around with these difficult questions, the researchers simply EXCLUDED ALL THE LARGE MISMATCHED SECTIONS, a whopping 1.3 letters in all and performed a letter by letter comparison on the remaining 2.4 billion, which turned out to be 98.77% identical. So yes, we share 99% of our DNA with chimps, IF WE IGNORE 18% OF THEIR GENOME AND 25% OF OUR'S."

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