Timothy Dixon: The Silver Fox from the Department of Defence Prophecy (Highlights)

3 years ago

Timothy Dixon. “Thus saith the Lord of heaven that the department of defence has begun the days of cleansing. It shall come to pass that I will tear down the walls of Jericho that have been built around the nation. I have used this time to use America to bring revival to the world. Will cause a market crash in China but I wend great revival to the people to China. Since the Great Depression there has been a monopolised attempt to control America. I will bring it to an end said the Lord. I am God and there is nobody else. Many of the leaders of this country will be brought to face for what they have done. To the one woman that has stood in the way. What you have done to sell out my land you will suffer. You will be guilty of crimes against this country. Repent that your sins may be blotted out. Even as Judas took his life so you shall take yours. You have caused crises against humanity. I have seen the blood…all in the name of good, you hypocrites, you have lied and cheated to the world. You have brought a fall to America because of your own greed. I will stop the evil that is the White House said the Lord. It is I that will bring in the man, that I choose to bring back in to be President of the Land. For in years pass my prophets and apostles have prophesied for two terms. Nothing is impossible for me says the Lord. A few days from now I will cause this word to come forth. And I will hold New York accountable said the Lord. My eyes are on the state of Arizona and know that I will turn this, I will stop you from interfering and I will ring you to an open shame. There is one in the department of defence, the Silver Fox, will bring you all down. This is the hour go great visitation. And I will bring the politicians down. And my eyes are upon you Nancy Pelosi. You can’t ran far enough. South America is not far enough. Repent and I will have mercy. I have called you but you won’t come.”

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